Organizing Committee
Christian Mercat is the director of the Institute for Research on Math Teaching (IREM) in Lyon. His field of expertise is discrete geometry, especially discrete Riemann surfaces, and its links to integrable models. He is a member of S2HEP, ESPÉ and UCB Lyon 1. |
Martin Andler teaches mathematics at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin; he has held visiting positions at MIT and Rutgers University. His research focuses on two main areas: representation theory of Lie groups, and the history of 20th century mathematics. He is the chairman of Animath, a French organisation promoting mathematics for kids. |
Mikhail Hlushchanka is a Belarusian PhD Student at Jacobs University Bremen. His research interests include Holomorphic Dynamics and applications of self-similar groups to Dynamical Systems, Con- formal and Fractal Geometry, and Graph Theory. He is also interested in Computer Science and was a student at the Data Analysis School of Yandex. He was a very active participant in different mathematical tournaments and conferences during his school and university years, and now he is working successfully as a coach for young students. Apart from mathematics, Mikhail enjoys playing ultimate frisbee. |
Victor Kleptsyn is a researcher at CNRS, in the Institute of Mathematical Research of Rennes. His working themes are mainly dynamical systems, geometry and probability. His belief is that most arguments, theorems, and proofs in the mathematics should be visual, and easily explicable, at least on the "why should it be true" level of explanation. |
Nathalie Revol has been educated in France in computer science and applied mathematics. She has been an associate professor at the University of Lille and she is now a research scientist at INRIA. Her main research topic is computer arithmetic, and in particular interval arithmetic and its variants. Her viewpoints range from the mathematical theory to the implementation on computers, including standardization issues, links with verified numerical computations, formal proofs. |
Dierk Schleicher is professor of mathematics at Jacobs University Bremen. He obtained his PhD at Cornell University, NY, and held visiting positions in Berkeley, Stony Brook, Paris, Toronto, and München. His main research interests are in dynamical systems and chaos, especially in holomorphic dynamics and the Mandelbrot set, and the dynamics of Newton's root-finding method. He was one of the main organizers of the 50th International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) 2009 in Bremen and a co-initiator of the “Modern Math” international summer school series. He enjoys being with talented students such as at our summer schools, and hopes that some of them will find an interest in working with him as a graduate student in holomorphic dynamics. He enjoys being outdoors, such as kayaking, sailing, paragliding, or hiking in the mountains. |
Sergei Tabachnikov is a professor of mathematics at Penn State University and an ICERM, Brown University, Deputy Director. He works in geometry, topology, and dynamics. He (co)authored several books including "Mathematical Omnibus," a collection of 30 lectures on classic mathematics. Sergei is the Director of the semester-long MASS (Mathematics Advanced Study Semesters) Program at Penn State. He is the Notes Editor of the American Mathematical Monthly, a column editor of the Mathematical Intelligencer, and the Editor-in- Chief of Experimental Mathematics. He has held visiting positions at mathematical institutes worldwide: IHES, ETH Zurich, I. Newton Institute Cambridge, MSRI, Max-Planck-Institut, Hausdorff Institute Bonn, Fields Institute. Tabachnikov is a Fellow of American Mathematical Society. |
Michele Triestino is an Italian Ph.D. student at the École Normale Supérieure of Lyon. He has loved to be involved in summer schools since the early years of his mathematical life : his belief is that one of the most attractive side of Mathematics is the possibility to meet people of any nationality and travel around the world. His interests are quite broad: geometry, dynamics and probability. |